Happy New Year 2022
From all of us at UKHF we wish you a Happy New Year!
Dear Friends of UK Healing Focus,
We are coming to the end of yet another demanding year. Demanding for all of us in our personal and professional lives.
Firstly, we would like to thank you for your unwavering support. Thanks to you the children have remained well fed, protected from the epidemic, healthy, and educated.
Secondly, let us look closer at the education. For over a year now the children have been given some support by teachers whilst getting a meal provided by the school, after which they are expected to do the majority of their learning independently at home. Currently schools are due to open in January. We are hopeful this will happen as it will improve our children’s education and safety.
Thirdly, we wanted to share with you that we are working closely with HFOC to start new self-sustaining projects this coming year, if COVID and restrictions allow it. We are excited to update you about these in the new year.
As always, your support is invaluable, without it UKHF, HFOC, and the children of Busiiro would not be where they are today.
Thank you, UKHF Trustees